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Brown Sugar Soul

4 Jul

Posted By: Candace

Hello everyone! Please visit my new blog:


I created Brown Sugar Soul to encourage health, spiritual growth, and confidence. I hope you enjoy the site and feel free to contact me via the contact form below.

Job Search Websites

16 May

Image representing Simply Hired as depicted in...

Image via CrunchBase


It isn’t getting any easier for people to find jobs. No matter how much experience or education one may have; it is tough for everybody. I myself am searching for a job. I spend my days job hunting, updating my resume, studying for school, blogging, and trying to stay in shape. I plan to relocate next year to finish school and that may be the best thing for me. I live in a decent sized city in North Carolina and even Craigslist‘s job section is looking dry. Here are some websites to use for job hunting:

10 Things Babies Born in 2012 May Never Know About

12 Jan


English: Picture of three Michigan Yellow Book...

Image via Wikipedia

1. Phone Books

These days a phone number for a company can be looked up via the Internet and cell phones. Since cell phone numbers aren’t listed in phone books and few homes these days have land-line phones, this eliminates the need for phone books even more.

2. Cassette Tapes

They may not know about records, 8-tracks, a Walkman or CD’s either. Ipods, MP3 players, and Satellite radio are the source for music now.

3. Watches

While some people still wear them, others check for the time on their smartphones.

4. Paper Maps

Many people today can’t read a paper map and a GPS is all most need.

5. Myspace

While Myspace was once the hottest social media network, Facebook and Twitter have taken over.

6. Mail

These days an e-mail or text will do and get the message their instantly. When it comes to bills, they can be checked and paid for online.

7. Cheap gas

Gone are the days of getting gas for $0.99 or less a gallon. Even though gas prices occasionally decrease, they may never reach a few cents a gallon again.

8. Video Game Cartridges

They’ll never have to blow into a game cartridge to get it to work on a game console.

9. Typewriters

Now a letter can be typed using Microsoft Word and printed or simply sent via e-mail.

10. Cursive

Very few schools still require students to learn to write in cursive and many people today don’t know how.


A letter to the Black Enterprise Founder

5 Jan


Dear Mr. Earl G. Graves, Sr.,

I read your apology to Dr. King today and I agree with a lot that you said, but not all. I don’t feel that your generation has failed the Black generations after yours at all. It is because of God, Dr. King, and your generation that I have the opportunities of today. This quote comes to mind, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.” I say that to say this: my generation has opportunities now, but it’s up to us to pursue them. Can we use more motivation? Does racism still exist? Are there still struggles for our race that need to be overcome? Yes, of course. We have come so far as a people, but we still have a long way to go.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Image via Wikipedia

If Dr. King could look at the changes that have occurred from the 50’s and 60’s until today, I feel that he would be proud. Our race is full of strong people and we know how to come together in the time of need. Sure a memorial in D.C. and a black President won’t solve all our problems, but the fact that a memorial was made in honor of a black man says that your generation never gave up! We all can do more as a people, but you have to know that your generation has not failed mines. Has the justice system failed us? Do we still have a fight on our hands in matters of education, housing, employment, and other issues? Yes, indeed.

You said in your apology, “You left us with an example and a challenge to make a better world for our children. And we’ve failed you.” Well sir I would have to disagree. Yes it was a challenge, but today my generation has choices. We can choose which restaurant we want to eat in by what we are craving; and not be limited to a restaurant that bears a “Coloreds Only” sign. Although we have wonderful Historically Black Colleges and Universities, we are not limited to those.

I agree that more could be done by all generations, but I disagree that your generation has failed mines. If anything my generation owes your generation and Dr. King an apology. Many of us don’t pursue the opportunities that we are given nor do we appreciate them. While some of us have recognized what it took to enjoy the freedoms that we have today, many in my generation have not.

I would like to say thanks to you and those of your generation and before!


Candace Roberts

Mr. Graves apology can be viewed in:

Black Enterprise Magazine

  • December 2011 Edition
  • Publisher’s Page
  • An Apology to Dr. King by Earl G. Graves, Sr.

What ever happened to customer service?!

12 Nov


Why is it so rare to go into a store and find a worker who treats you well? Do they no longer teach customer service skills to workers in retail and food industries? If a customer can walk in and tell which workers are in a bad mood or just plain rude, than certainly the managers know it too. These days there are so many people who need a job and anyone can be replaced. Either treat customers with respect or lose your job. If every time someone comes in your place of business and is treated harshly, you will lose customers, plain and simple.

Of course we all have had jobs we dread going to, had bad days, or dealt with difficult people on the job. This is still not an excuse to lash out on the customer. It’s even as bad as workers making negative comments about customers thinking they don’t hear them.

Try calling to make a Doctor’s appointment or call to have an issue with your phone service fixed and the rudeness begins. Yet, the calls are recorded and nothing is being done. Then when you go to a certain restaurant and the same person is always rude to you and you always complain, then why are they still working there?! Is it favoritism?

Negative energy is not lost, but transferred from one party to the next. It’s Newton’s Theory. Bad customer service can cause someone else to have an attitude or mess up their day. Some people just shrug it off. Either way it is wrong for any worker to treat a customer bad or be rude to anyone while on duty.